I would like to dedicate this week’s ezine to my mother, Marion Kane. My mum is 67 year old and lives in Toronto where she continues to write and blog about food. To say that we have had a harmonious and easy relationship would be a lie so I won’t bother pretending. My mother and I are very different … [Read more...] about My Mum and her mum
The Reluctant Matriarch
Since Mother’s Day happens this month, I would like to dedicate the first two of this month’s ezines to the mothers in my family. This week, I’ll start with the Matriarch of my family, my 91-year-old grandmother, Ruth Schachter who lives in London, England. For the past fifteen years or so, I have managed to … [Read more...] about The Reluctant Matriarch
Esther’s Recommended Reading: Will I Ever Be Good Enough?
Even before I became a therapist, I was a self-help book junkie. I can remember reading countless self-help books when I was as young as fourteen in my quest to understand my suffering and to find a way to heal. Now I’ve written three self-help books myself and am delighted to hear from clients and readers … [Read more...] about Esther’s Recommended Reading: Will I Ever Be Good Enough?
When Facebook Gets Tricky
There is one thing that pops up every day in my practise- something upsetting that happened on Facebook (here-on-in referred to as FB). Personally, I despise FB. I have tried it in earnest three times since its first appearance and each time gotten completely irritated and fed-up with the whole thing and … [Read more...] about When Facebook Gets Tricky
To Mom or Not to Mom: That is the Question!
Being in my forty-first year, I can finally start relaxing about the whole ‘motherhood question’. I am glad to say that for the most part, people have stopped asking me if and when I am going to have children. I am a happily-married (13+ years!) woman who consciously decided not to be a mother and I feel … [Read more...] about To Mom or Not to Mom: That is the Question!
The Power of NO!
I admit, I am in the mood for reading lately and I have not been let down by the self-help sections of my local bookstore. Actually, this book came to me via a dear friend whom I told about my last great read about people-pleasing and how to stop it. This book should actually be in the ‘humour’ section of the … [Read more...] about The Power of NO!
Recovering from the ‘disease to please’
A very wise client of mine recently told me about a very helpful book she’d read called, “The Disease To Please: Curing the People-Pleasing Syndrome” by Harriet B. Braiker, Ph.D. And being the studious and curious therapist that I am, I ran out and got a copy and have not been able to put it down! While … [Read more...] about Recovering from the ‘disease to please’
Eating Disorders in Midlife
I am seeing more and more women ages 30+ in my practise who are struggling with disordered eating. Many people think that eating disorders are only for teens and women in their twenties, but research shows this is absolutely false. In fact, the following statistics will most likely shock you. I was lucky … [Read more...] about Eating Disorders in Midlife