Are you a fan of Ketogenic Woman (Anita Breeze)? I sure am! Here she shares her personal story which contributed to a significant weight gain before she found the ketogenic way of eating. I was touched by her story and deeply moved by the emotional healing she has done in order to heal her relationship with food and her body. I think you will be too. Enjoy!
Episode Contents:
0:00 Compassionate Conversations Intro
0:24 Body Image Series Intro
2:56 Introducing Anita Breeze
8:14 Going beyond the typical weight loss story
9:51 What Anita learned about women’s roles from her family-of-origin
21:03 What messages Anita got about food and weight from a young age
24:38 Identifying the link between multigenerational trauma and her struggles with food and weight
36:00 Using food for emotional reasons — food as comfort
38:12 Healing the relationship with her mother
46:10 How her relationship to food and her body has changed over time
47:47 Anita and Esther discuss one of the most important areas to address in order to heal our relationship to food and our bodies: unfinished emotional business and past traumas
52:15 Anita’s ‘before and after’: resolving unfinished emotional business and past traumas
53:28 Wrap-up
Show notes:
Where to find Anita:
Watch my interview with Dr. Joan Ifland on Highly Processed Food Addiction.
Dr. Georgia Ede and her book, Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind
FREE Resources:
Check out Esther’s writing and podcasts/videos on women, eating disorders and body image
Receive Esther’s 6-part audio program, Making Peace With Food and Our Bodies